
Usually the doctor will ask you to make another appointment to talk about test results, but if not, please ring to check on any tests the doctor may have ordered. We have systems in place to ensure that all results are reviewed, however, we ask that you do not assume that your results are normal if we have not contacted you. As a rule of thumb most results will be back and will have been seen by the doctor a week after you’ve done the test. The receptionist will be able to give you the doctor’s message about your results, but they can’t give you any further information. If you need more information, please make an appointment.


A Clinipath pathology collection point is located next to both surgeries.

Services include blood tests and collection of other medical samples ordered by your doctor.

Opening times

Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm
(closed for lunch 12.30pm – 1.30pm)
Saturday 8.30am – 11.30am

Phone: 9337 6398 (Beaconsfield) or 9331 8742 (South St)